Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
1833 "Notes on the Early History of the Industries of Rochester: Filing Systems."
1829 Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc.: Its History, Reorganization and Plans for the Future.
1823 "100 Years of the S.B. Roby Company,
1824 "Organization Grows from One Man, One Van."
1825 "The Need Was There-Rumrill Filled It."
1826 "Rochester Family Business Carries Out American Spirit of Free Enterprise."
1821 "Pfaudler Permutit: 75 Years of Progress," GRC, Nov. 1959, pp. 6-7.
1817 "John Luther & Sons Co., 1865-1965."
1819 "Monroe Tree and Landscape--A Growing Concern."
1835 "Yawman & Erbe Mark 90 Years."
1832 "The Will Corporation."
1812 "General Railway Signal Marks 50th Anniversary."
1818 MONROE ABSTRACT & TITLE CORP. 40th Year with Monroe Abstract and Title Corporation ...
1813 "The Gottry Story."
1814 "Harper Method of Rochester Celebrates Diamond Anniversary."
1816 "Rochester Building Firm Observes Ninetieth Birthday."
1807 "Twenty-Five Years in a Vacuum."
1808 "Crossman Celebrates 50th Year of Recreational Gun Leadership."
1809 "3 Generations of Service: Doyle Detective."
1810 "GM DuBois Celebrates 75th Anniversary."
1830 GRESHAM, HENRY L. "Ward's Natural Science Establishment: A Century of Service to Biology and Geology."
1827 HARRISON, EDWARD P. "The Strasenburgh Laboratories."
1828 JENNINGS, FREDERICK H. "The Pharmaceutical House that Vision Built."
1822 KAIDY, MITCH. "John B. Pike & Son, Inc. Celebrates 100th Anniversary."
1811 KAIDY, MITCH. "100th Anniversary, A. Friederich & Son Co."
1820 PFAUDLER CO. Pfaudler Panorama.
1815 PORTER, PATRICK G. "Origins of the American Tobacco Company."
1831 TRIMM, H. WAYNE. "Ward's--Crossroads of Natural Sciences."
1834 WERNER, GEORGE H. "From Twenty Feet to Twenty Acres."

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